
Pure ‘Bread’

One of the oldest prepared foods, evidence of bread can be traced back to almost 30000 years. Originally baked on hot stones, using airborne yeast and beer as the leavening agent, the recipe has modernized and found its way into kitchens of every culture possible. Each country has its own styles of bread. Bread is the staple food for most European-derived cultures around the world.

Milk Loaf

The varieties of bread are endless. It starts with simple flatbread to common milk bread to rich and luxurious ones like Brioche. Earlier, people even used stale bread called as ‘Trenchers’ as plates. The gravy soaked ‘trencher’ was then consumed by modest households or given away to poor people by the rich folk. The bread baking techniques have evolved over the years along with the use of state of the art ovens to produce perfectly textured bread every single time.

Bread can be consumed in several ways. It can be dipped into various condiments like olive oil, gravy and soup. Jams and spreads, both sweet and savoury, could be used on breads as toppings. The most common meal made out of bread is a sandwich. Sandwich was arguably invented accidentally by a Jewish sage named Hillel the elder, when he wrapped his meat and a few bitter herbs by pieces of flatbread, for ease of eating.

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Here’s an easy white bread recipe for beginners to bake at home:


  • 500g strong white flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 7g sachet fast-action yeast
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 300 ml water


  1. Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre, then add the oil and water, and mix well. If the dough seems a little stiff, add 1-2 tbsp water, mix well then tip onto a lightly floured work surface and knead. Once the dough is satin-smooth, place it in a lightly oiled bowl. Leave to rise for 1 hour until doubled in size or place in the fridge overnight.
  2. Line a baking tray with baking parchment. Knock back the dough, then gently mould the dough into a ball. Place it on the baking parchment to prove for a further hour until doubled in size.
  3. Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Dust the loaf with flour and cut a cross about 6cm long into the top of the loaf with a sharp knife. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped underneath. Cool on a wire rack.

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Now you can use the bread to make toast, sandwich, or have it any other way you like. Happy eating!


Source(s): Recipe: